We are clanging down the street in a ferociously red fire engine with a huge, winding hose, a massive steering wheel, a whirling, twirling, roaring, soaring engine noise, and a fire dog running along-side. Watch out, here we come! Lean from your windows, cheer us on! We are looking for flames to put out!
Emergency! Ring the bells!
Do not fear! We are here!
Me: Excuse me!
Stranger 6+ feet away: Hello!
Me: Have you seen any fires around these parts?
Stranger 6+ feet away: Hmmmmmm.
Me: Any fires, at all?
Stranger 6+ feet away: Not really…..Though there may be some smoke at the top of the avenue. Yes! I think I see some! Just there! Good luck!
Wren: Thanks very much! GrrrrrrbrrrrrrrruuuuuummmmmmEEEEEEkkkkClatttttttt
P.S. The attached painting is NOT of a fire engine, or a fire, or, indeed, a virus. It is of a leopard.