Dear beloved elderly parents who brought me into this world,
We miss you terribly. The children miss you and ask about you often. We are so used to seeing you
Once a day
Once a week
Once a month
Quite often
How are you? We are so worried about you. We just need to know whether you think there is any chance that we could come to see you
This week
Next week
Next month
Not for a long time
The thing is, as we all know, we could be carriers. We could carry, unknowingly, this virus to you and for you it is
A worry
Quite dangerous
All we can say is we have been well for
2 days
Most of last week
More than a week
2 weeks
1 month
Is this enough reassurance for you?
It is, of course, your decision. But if the answer is no then we need to emotionally prepare ourselves and the children for not seeing you.
And, don’t take this the wrong way, but it would be good to know either way because if we cannot see you we could maybe loosen our isolation and allow our children to meet with
1 other friend
2 other friends
Some other friends
Many other friends
Their whole class
They miss their friends
We are going mad
We feel like we are drowning in our own-ness
It is a decision we never thought we would have to make. Please help.
With love, peace and hope,
Generation In-The-Middle